Important Pages

Here's some of the pages you'll be using the most regularly to organize and communicate about your work.

  • Author Pages: Each of you has some space to introduce yourself and to practice working with the Wiki software. These pages can serve as a sandbox for testing Wiki code without worrying about messing up the textbook. You might consider using your Author Page to track all of your contributions to the Wiki, for your own personal satisfaction. Additionally, you can use these pages to get to know your classmates better.
  • Task List: This will serve as a table of contents for all the things we're contributing to the wiki.
  • ToDo: Each of you is responsible for regularly contributing to the WikiTextbook by writing proofs, providing examples, improving existing contributions, or making other kinds of contributions I haven't imagined yet. The ToDo page will allow you to build a list of potential contributions and "claim" a particular contribution; claiming helps ensure that you don't duplicate the work of another student being done simultaneously.
  • Contributions: Use these pages to communicate to the instructor what work you've done during each review period (probably a week). If you leave this blank, I'll assume you haven't contributed. Whereas the ToDo page is to claim work that hasn't been done yet, the Contributions pages are for claiming work that you've completed.
  • WikiFeedback: Here's where I'll provide regular (probably weekly) feedback on the overall progress of the WikiTextbook.


The success of this project is dependent on each of you on multiple levels. Here's some guidelines for WikiNature that I hope can help us create a useful and caring community around this project.

  • Neutrality. This wiki is intended to be a repository for scholarly information. However, this doesn't mean that you're not allowed to (respectfully!) express your opinions about proofs. This is a complex balance and I'm not sure how exactly to strike it. I look forward to collaborating with you on this point.
  • Respect. This is a public forum. Don't write anything you wouldn't be comfortable saying to the whole class. When critiquing, critique the work rather than the person who wrote it. No racism, no bigotry!
  • Integrity. Even though this project is collaborative, all of the rules of academic integrity apply. Do not portray others' work or ideas as your own, though you are welcome to talk about others' ideas. If in question, ask the instructor or consult the Westminster College Academic Honesty statement.
  • Ownership. This document is yours! If you don't contribute to this wiki, no one will contribute to it, and it will not be of any use to you. Furthermore, if you can think of anything that would make the wiki more useful, take the initiative and get it started. If you can't think of a way to employ your idea, suggest it to the class or ask me for technical help.
  • Contributions. There are at least three kinds of contributions to a wiki: (1) new content, (2) edits of existing content, and (3) structure of content. If all of your contributions are of the same type (in particular, if you mostly edit spelling and layout), then you are not contributing fully to the wiki. When you make a substantive revision of another's work, include a comment about why. The Wiki technology saves every version of every page, so there is no danger that their version will ever be lost.

Please feel free to propose edits to this code of conduct.

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